OccultRanger's Journal

OccultRanger's Journal


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13 entries this month


00:15 Mar 31 2023
Times Read: 346

Sacrifice is the key component in all power from my vantage of the cosmos. Here is the song Sacrifice by Trobar de Morte.




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

17:54 Mar 30 2023
Times Read: 369

Haven't really been on V.R. much lately. I'd attribute it to many factors but ultimately, I tore another rotator cuff in my other shoulder and lately experience pain just using my computer mouse. But came on today and only felt mild discomfort. Time does do its thing unless there's permanent damage to something.

I like to use that analogy a lot it seems. But there is definitely things that don't heal in a single lifetime like getting something amputated. Yes, one can adapt but are still greatly limited. Now in my understanding our spirits will go through different lifetimes in the waxing and waning cycles of nature and such things can be healed from that scope. I consider somethings in my own development to be lacking simply because I too had something amputated emotionally as a result of my personal experiences and being hypersensitive. Just got to endure it for now and make the best of things.

Went on over to Lordmogy's You tube channel too to see what he's up to. https://youtu.be/3_E5jZVaB60

I'm pretty big on using white sage in my rituals too. Can't say it's to cleanse negativity as most seem to use it for but I use for consecration even when I utilize V.R. as an altar of sorts too. From my vantage negativity is a needed thing it's the wisdom deal with such things and patience to endure that is an essential element.



00:20 Mar 31 2023

I hope you heal quickly and find more relief from pain daily.

01:06 Mar 31 2023

@ CTD: Thanks for the well wishing.

23:34 Mar 31 2023

How is the shoulder? How is Lordmogy?

00:56 Apr 01 2023

@ VW39 I'm no spring chicken anymore though I tend to forget and the body protests. I actually feel a lot of pleasure constantly from occult sources, so the pain just really defines it as things tend to be taken for granted otherwise. Mogy seems to be doing okay.


V.R. Today [Public Entry]

09:27 Mar 18 2023
Times Read: 454

This is turning into a problem. At first glance it was easy but now it seems it needs some serious finesse. It was this last update I had to my browser on Edge and afterward the color schemes in outset/inset html were horrible. So, I went on over to another browser but there too it was off then another and it was completely different. So now I'm collecting different browsers to see things in their light. I tend to use what's best for system I use so when I upgraded to a better spec computer it used Edge as default browser. Before that I used Chrome on laptop and Safari on mobile. Firefox is the most unique. So, I tried an easy fix of just changing the color of this effect. After 3 attempts going darker each time found that even with a charcoal so dark it's almost black the lit portion of the inset/outset effect is too light. Looks now like something with an oil sheen reflecting light into a glaring intensity. This phenomenon all started with an update. It may be a conspiracy. Color differentiation doesn't work so next either change effect to something better looking or use an uploaded graphic instead of color. I know many do this with the glitter shows. I'd just like to add some contrast to looks. Trying ultimately for a plate mail look with welds and rivets on faces with little reflection cast in the inset/outset effect. Then I wanted some murder holes as a base graphic with a picture of me pointing my tactical pistol crossbow out of it with red dot site glowing and wavering. Okay yes, I'm military trained so of course I put wards up and this should be illustrated in the effects here.

Apart this new problem to fix I've been working on taking down bosses in Bitter Black Island in Dragon's Dogma to level up my pawn to peak efficiency and to farm the rare loot there. At higher levels I look more to the special effects each piece of gear grants as well the way they look. Rings in particular grant special abilities and their effects are rare. So, my elven girl mage is rocking a robe that regenerates the party's health naturally around her. Her heal spells are like mobile stations that last a while and light up the darkness. But open in the front this robe reveals her silver scale mail bikini. Then I went with a pair of glasses for headwear sacrificing effects for looks. She looks like a cute but dangerous anime character. My main character for the game is strength based as a Ranger with a longbow. But tweaked for rescuing as well as DPS and sniping.




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

14:06 Mar 17 2023
Times Read: 473

Thing about vampire's that perform live you can pick up the energy of their audience too.

First time for everything and that has to be the first time I chose a white theme for a video plug as the dark is more dominant in my life. But the white just went much better with it I think with a wintery feel. Yes, I use to just have TDV as my music on profile because as far as vampire bands go, they're my favorite. They still dominate my playlist in number.

What in the hell happened to my color schemes in inset/outset. They now look bad in all my browsers. This may be a form of mind control. *sighs* Okay going to have to fix this. Instead of color just upload something. As a welder been thinking of the weld seam look for edges of outset/inset texture added to color. Cold Carbon Plate steel is the look I try to get. Another thing that interests me is layering in the CSS. I just know there are some very subtle effects that can go a long way by using overlay to create another element for depth especially when taking into account scrolling to add elements too.

Been hanging out in Firefox so got the custom purple sparkling stars background. I also have a different picture of myself on this account. This was a picture I took after being on COVID lockdown and had let my beard grow out while in white cereonial robes and blowing smudge stick smoke into camera. I like the loading icon here too as it moves back and forth rather than around in circles.

Think I will download Opera. Checking out their indie game creator software too. Should make one set to V.R. with the bosses and villain character's set up a certain way that matches others as I see them in parody.




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

16:30 Mar 16 2023
Times Read: 508

Ever notice how the addition of underline in a link adds to the winking smiley face. ;)

So yeah, I've been doing research on Opera and wonder what V.R. looks like on its ultraviolet skin. I've found browsers to be like countries with their own people that connect to the web through them. Each of them has their own unique qualities too. Been using a lot of Edge lately but after a recent update the color scheme looks bad.




V.R. Today [Video Key]

15:19 Mar 16 2023
Times Read: 514

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Video Key]

23:40 Mar 15 2023
Times Read: 546

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STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

15:33 Mar 13 2023
Times Read: 593

New moon coinciding with the equinox is quite a special blend. I'll have to devise a special rite to take advantage of such....things.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

I have a spirituality that is based in vampiric nature but I also identify with being a goth that encompasses a wider spectrum. I'm a bit of a mad scientist too and plan to share some special video content from my drone's point of view. I got projects on back burners. As long as I don't show you how to create things like something from the anarchist cookbook then I should not be violating the terms of service. But I can show you some scary capabilities of personal drones programmed to think for themselves like on autopilot. WIFI is like their spinal cord for now though with my laptop as their brains.

Been devoting some time to game world as of late and playing Dragon's Dogma which is being rereleased. Wanted to create a pawn that earns rift crystals there for online player to use in their parties. I min max to level up discipline and attributes that make them most effective no matter their level. Kind of do same thing on this site too in occult ways.



09:31 Mar 14 2023

It seems like you have a unique and multifaceted spirituality and interests that draw upon a range of different elements, from vampiric nature to the worlds of gaming and technology. The idea of the new moon coinciding with the equinox is indeed an intriguing one, and suggests an opportunity for a special kind of rite or ceremony.

It's interesting to hear about your work with drones and the kind of video content you're creating. Drones have certainly become increasingly prevalent in our society, and their capabilities continue to expand. However, there are also concerns around privacy and safety related to their use, so it's important to approach these technologies with care and consideration.

Your interest in games and the rerelease of Dragon's Dogma is also notable. It's fascinating to consider the ways in which video games can offer their own kind of immersive and engaging spiritual experiences, as players explore and engage with virtual worlds and characters.

Overall, it seems like you have a lot of different interests and pursuits that inform your spirituality and personal growth. It's important to continue exploring these passions and finding ways to integrate them into your life in meaningful ways.

11:45 Mar 15 2023

@ TylerBrooks Thanks for the encouragement and sharing. I have my moments that balance out my...so called life. I think in actuality we are all eclectic being unique but not all are aware of it.


Status Update Level-Up [Gaelic Key]

23:43 Mar 10 2023
Times Read: 612

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


ZFZIaDc1 NUp5 SDlBT0VvbzBhSmFTU3 RnbXlpeUh4 RmVscTFLZ3 hYVlJuZ1 BFR0xEWVFjKzRIQU5 sNzhyU05 4 U3 Ricm




V.R. Today [Public Entry]

13:04 Mar 10 2023
Times Read: 628

There we go. Had to make up a new playlist for my profile. There's always one that fails and quits working then it causes problems for the line-up in the que. I think it's when a channel updates their content. Well, my original got to 52 in length. I'll leave this one at 28 for now.

Never did think You Tube was for social media but rather a research tool, however there are many here with channels including Lord Mogy. Blazed some Blue Cookies and went to his channel. Not one to make comments too often but told him he was missed elsewhere. I got one of those hearts showing the love.

I just noticed I only need 36 more page views to level up. I'm in the 16,000 bracket. My time spent is actually over ten levels higher..




V.R. Today

12:27 Mar 06 2023
Times Read: 720

What happened to LordMogy?



16:51 Mar 06 2023

Well shit. Good question.


To whom it concerns. [Public Entry]

13:07 Mar 05 2023
Times Read: 800

Was just looking at another House Representation. Then looked at mine. *Smiles* I like mine much better. I've literally had a doughnut snatched out of my hand by a seagull so know how the bird folk get down when it comes to getting food. Don't even mention a bear shitting in the woods because owls shit out there mouths too. They're called pellets. You know you'd rather run with the wolves. Everyone knows when wolves are awake as a goth. There is but one sound that defines the night in the wilderness among crickets chirping flitting bat wings and hoots and that's distant howling. Which one really sends the tingles? You'll see they'll all come into this house or alliance to feel the fellowship of the wolf. You bird folk are welcome, but you know who you are and your place. Ravens and wolves tend to play with each other too.

So starting to get this coding down a bit more. Important thing now is the different browsers and types of interface to consider things from. You ever look at your profile through another browser or how it is on another person's phone? Interesting thing about Firefox is those that upload music to play automictically don't there. Been using a lot of Edge though now that goes well with my Acer Nitro 5 laptop. But I switch out sometimes just to see cast in a different light. Ever try to use a scroll box on a cell phone. They just don't mix well in my opinion. Now a window that appears when your mouse pointer hovers that's something to learn how to do and only applies only if you have one. Also try to factor in internet speeds. So have something that can run on the slowest and fastest and be excellent in them all. Nothing worse than seeing that loading icon on some link I press. Try to make sure my links are in working order as it's a standard for SEO.



02:29 Mar 06 2023

For one who claims to be all about knowledge, you sure are spouting misinformation.

If you actually research it, owl pellets are not poop. They're more closely related to vomit, than fecal matter.

What pellets are: regurgitated parts that include items that cannot pass through the owl's digestive system. Such as indigestible fur, bones, and teeth that cannot be broken down by the gizzard.

Not poop. 🙄

13:31 Mar 07 2023

If you really want to split hair like a librarian, I will use the Latin root excrement to define poop as discharge from the body but even still it just looks like poop to me even without liquids. I think it is best for readers of this to decide for themselves.


In The Dark [Video Key]

21:59 Mar 03 2023
Times Read: 826

• • • • ENTRY IS ENCRYPTED • • • •


STVMeEJjZlFMK2 JMMnd2 b3 VkUEovMldnMHhPYTBMVnErTUJvMmV5 c1 E1 dmN5 WVRpb2 5 jNG1 NcWNsZzhQemo5 VXlDS



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